Troo Health partnered with Greenspark so that, together with our customers, we can positively impact our planet and its inhabitants.
Greenspark was founded on the belief that “business as normal” is not enough anymore and that every business should positively impact our environment. Through Greenspark, we can work together with our customers to directly support projects vetted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Every order and review you make through Troo Health will work towards a more sustainable planet.
🌳 Plant Trees
Nearly 75% of the earth’s surface has been altered and impacted by human activity, with the loss of our forests being one of the leading causes of climate change. Every order and review you make will contribute to planting trees, restoring forests and helping to employ local communities.
How can you plant trees?
🐋 Rescue Plastic
Today, over 5 trillion pieces of plastic litter our oceans. Your contributions will help to retrieve plastic, meaning your custom is helping to build ethical recycling ecosystems in coastal communities while simultaneously creating positive economic opportunities for those who collected it.
How can you rescue plastic bottles from our oceans?
☁️ Offset Carbon
Support the world's best-accredited climate solutions. Our carbon offsetting projects include community initiatives such as funding new cookstoves and clean energy generation. Each project is certified by leading standards such as the Verified Carbon Standard and the United Nations.
How can you help to offset carbon emissions?
Our partnership with Greenspark means that whenever your actions on our website trigger a positive environmental impact, we will pay a fee to Greenspark to fulfil that environmental obligation on your behalf. You can follow the progress made from the live chart below, which will track the positive impact we make together - you can click on the image to be taken to our Greenspark Profile Page.